LilySlim Fitness goals tickers

Friday, December 30, 2011

Pics from the race

THIS is my running buddy.  She's my cousin, but I think we have more of a sisterly relationship.  She's my girl! (I think she's my kindred spirit.)  And, yes, although we do not live in the same city, we hold each other responsible for our runnings.  Love that girl! 

THIS is the precious reason I chose to run for St. Jude intially....Emma:  cancer free since July 2006.  (Isn't she a cutie-pie?!)  This little-mama has more SPUNK than any other 7 year old I know!  She is quite proud of her "war wound".  She loves to show people her scar.

This is my baby brother.  We FINALLY convinced him to run the half this year.  All-in-all he enjoyed his experience, but I'm not getting the feeling he quite digs the training/running like his ole sis and cuz do...  :0) 
Sooo....THIS is the beginning of the half marathon and full before the race.  Notice the "bumper to bumper" people?  It's very hard to move around, and oh. my. WORD, brace yourself if you need to use the restroom.  The lines are incredible both inside the Forum and outside at the porta-potties.  I love the buzz that's in the air--there are a couple of bands blasting good ole tunes of Elvis, there's almost a "hush" over the crowd ... obviously you have people thinking:  "WHAT have I gotten myself into?!"  (Good stuff)  I have fun this 3 years in a row now and each year I have run into someone that I had NO idea was running!  It's always fun!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

2011, really almost GONE!?

My oh, MYY how FAST time flies when you're having fun! 

Sooo, I was rewatching The Help last night (really, if you haven't watched this movie, YOU'VE GOTTA GET IT AND SEE IT!) , relaxing and what-not, when my mind started's that time of year again:  goal setting.  Yes, I am actually one of those goobers that likes to set a goal and strive for it throughout the year.  I have several bouncing around in my head:  begin a journal, healthy eating (seriously, not just "diet" I am not getting any older), tri-athlon, and....the big whammy....get. my. master's. degree.  Whoa!  Heavy goals, huh?  Well, like I said:  I ain't gettin' any younger, folks!  ;0)

I began running again this week.  First time since the marathon.  Boy, have I missed that pavement!  I think that's why I have been a little grouchy these days....I NEEED to run and exhert some of this  ENERGY! 

Christmas was fantabulous this year!  I hope you and yours enjoyed time with your families and friends.  2011 has defintely taught me we are not guaranteed tomorrow with loved ones.  Don't take ONE day for granted.  And to TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! 

I guess I'm closing for today.  May you find peace, love, happiness, and HEALTH for 2012. 

Sunday, December 4, 2011



I totally feel bulletproof right about now boys and girls. I set a goal, I worked hard, never gave up (even when it got tough), and I ACCOMPLISHED MY GOAL!!!  YEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAW! 

So many people have asked or commented on "how" I did it.  Well, to be quite honest with you, I a.) had SOOOO much family support and b.) did not or would not allow negative thoughts or comments about this race. 

My husband--my husband could not have been more supportive.  He never once complained about the training.  In fact, if he thought I was about to talk myself out of running, he would push me out the door.  (Doesn't get much better than that!) 

Many people have wondered "why" I wanted to run a marathon.   I say:  "WHY NOT!?"  Those of you that know me well, know that I love a good challenge.  I started running (really running) about 5 years ago and I have simply stepped up the challenge over the years, I guess.  My parents would say that I was a bit on the "strong willed" side,  therefore, once I put my mind to something, by golly--it's gonna get DONE!!!  This marathon was defintely an example of my "strong willingness". 

I just wanted you folks to know that yes, she set her mind to it, and yes, she accomplished it! I will be back later to fill ya in on the "details", as I have pictures --- yes, I was the goober that ran with her phone using a fannypack and would stop to snap shots.  I loooove this race and always try to take it alll in! 

Happy Sunday!! 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Less than 48 hours to go!

Soooooooooooo, the nerves have left and the excitement has taken its place!  I had two really good runs this week and have been working on getting tshirts out for this weekend.  I. Am. So. EXCITED!!!  I have completely cleaned out every room, closet, cabinet, and corner in my house.  I have washed ALL of our clothing, folded it, AND put it away (not to mention, organized the clothing according to style and color).  I. Am. EXCITED PEOPLE!!!  I can totally feel people's prayers this week.  I have had a renewed sense of energy and motivation that I was sorely missing last week.  Thank you for your words of encouragement this week.  It's funny....friends from near and far have popped in or about to wish me well for a great run.  I don't know if they will truly ever know how much their words have meant to me.  I know the race will be long and at times I may question WHY I wanted to run the full marathon, but in the end I KNOW the sense of accomplishment will take away all the "ugly" thoughts!  ;0)  Happy thoughts people and HAPPY FRIDAY!!!  WOOOHOOOOO!!!