Yep--hit my long run this week feelin' pretty good. I only had 7 ahead of me, which was probably why I was feeling easy. The sun was out with a slight breeze and it. was. beautiful! I'm so glad those heat index days of 100+ are behind us. My lungs are appreciative too, needless to say! My brother and sister-in-law ran with me. My brother....sheesh....SOOOO NOT FAIR!! He seemed to get those "good" genes of a high metabolism PLUS he's not. fair. My SIL did AWESOME TOO. She had my sweet nephew back in April and she was kickin' some tail running! I was QUITE impressed! She ran 4--which is amazing! KEEP IT UP, GIRLY!! NEXT YEAR YOU'RE RUNNIN' THE HALF !!!!
Hit 6 today for a "mid-run". I like to spread those longer miles out. The rest of the week will only be 3, but come Saturday, we're looking at a 12 mile stretch. YIKES!
One thing that helps with these long runs is the Garmin Santa brought me this past year. It frees me up to run a wider terrain. One thing about it, I can run one way half of the miles and know that if I turn around, I've gotten all of my miles in. Sure love that silly little computer....not sure how I managed without it all of this time!
Still taking it one step at a time, one day at a time, one week at a time....keep on keepin' on, boys and girls!!!
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