Well, mornin' all you guys and gals! It's a glorious day to be alive! This is the day the Lord has made, let us REJOICE and BE GLAD IN IT!
Hit a 4miler last night and 3 this morning. I am thankful for the ability and the strength to finish these two runs in this heat and humidity. I can definitely see a difference in my runs now that I am not focused on forcing through it. As I have said before, sometimes I get caught up in the timing and pace and don't enjoy my runs, and yes, I actually LOOOVE running! It makes me feel like I have really accomplished something. Even if it's a short run. Running also helps me to clear my head and think straight! There's something about being exhausted after a run and then BAM! ENDORPHINES kick in ... and trust me .... it's an amazing feeling.
On a completely different note. St. Jude marathon is COMPLETELY SOLD OUT! The half and the full......COMPLETELY sold out. How amazing is THAT!? And why all of a sudden? As I was trottin' along this weekend, I was pondering that very question: Why is it all of a sudden the marathon is completely sold out? Wanna know my thoughts? Biggest Loser. I think the t.v. show Biggest Loser has opened up doors to the "marathon thinking". Every year 12 or so contestants battle it out against their bulge and each other over a series of weeks. The last couple of years they have started off their season with "running" a half marathon. Weighing in at 250-500 lbs. then they end their season with a full....it. is. amazing. I mean, when I watch it, I think "Heck, if THEY can do it, so can I!".....who knows..... sounds good though, eh?
Well, off to get ready for work this morning. It IS a beautiful day! Hope all is well with you and yours! HaPpY TuEsDaY!!!
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