LilySlim Fitness goals tickers

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

MIA and my excuses..., yeah....I haven't blogged in what, two weeks?  And NO ONE, with the exception of ONE PERSON, even TRIED to see where I was.....hmmmm...okay, people, you're falling down on your job!  You are supposed to help keep me motivated.  HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE!!!  It. Is. TOUGH during the summer months for me.

So where have I been?  The oldest bambino has been playing ball, I have had MAJOR calf issues, and quite honestly, it is sooooo easy for me to talk myself out of running in the months of July and August.  I HATE TO RUN IN THE HEAT!!!  I can honestly say though, I ran ONE DAY on the beach          and suffered from it for about 2 days.  WOW!  What a runner I would be if I did THAT everyday!!  WHEW!!!  Not only did I run the "one" day ((big deal, right??)) but we were on the sixth floor of a condo and I walked six flights of stairs no less than 4 or 5 times a day.  CERTAINLY that counts for SOMETHING, people!?!?  Ha!

Anyway-- I counted the weeks until the marathon and it is exactly 21 weeks away.  Most of the training plans that I have looked are an 18 week plan.  I have 3 weeks to get this tail in gear.  I ran 3 yesterday and today.  MAAAAN, though, it's HOT!!  TOUGH!!! 

On a brighter note, I had another sweet person text me and tell me she and her "honey" are joining our team and running the half  WOOOOOHOOOO!!!  I completely cheesed out on her!  I'm so excited!!!  THE MORE THE MERRIER!!!  And FYI---St. Jude's Half Marathon is 75% full, so if you're gonna try it, you better go ahead and join!  YOU CAN DO IT!!!  JUST BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! 

Well--off to catch up on the laundry and what-not  (ick)  Hope you all stay cool.  It's brutal out there today, and it's just 9:00 A.M.  Stay safe!!!

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