, yeah....I haven't blogged in what, two weeks? And NO ONE, with the exception of ONE PERSON, even TRIED to see where I was.....hmmmm...okay, people, you're falling down on your job! You are supposed to help keep me motivated. HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE!!! It. Is. TOUGH during the summer months for me.
So where have I been? The oldest bambino has been playing ball, I have had MAJOR calf issues, and quite honestly, it is sooooo easy for me to talk myself out of running in the months of July and August. I HATE TO RUN IN THE HEAT!!! I can honestly say though, I ran ONE DAY on the beach and suffered from it for about 2 days. WOW! What a runner I would be if I did THAT everyday!! WHEW!!! Not only did I run the "one" day ((big deal, right??)) but we were on the sixth floor of a condo and I walked six flights of stairs no less than 4 or 5 times a day. CERTAINLY that counts for SOMETHING, people!?!? Ha!
Anyway-- I counted the weeks until the marathon and it is exactly 21 weeks away. Most of the training plans that I have looked are an 18 week plan. I have 3 weeks to get this tail in gear. I ran 3 yesterday and today. MAAAAN, though, it's HOT!! TOUGH!!!
On a brighter note, I had another sweet person text me and tell me she and her "honey" are joining our team and running the half WOOOOOHOOOO!!! I completely cheesed out on her! I'm so excited!!! THE MORE THE MERRIER!!! And FYI---St. Jude's Half Marathon is 75% full, so if you're gonna try it, you better go ahead and join! YOU CAN DO IT!!! JUST BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!
Well--off to catch up on the laundry and what-not (ick) Hope you all stay cool. It's brutal out there today, and it's just 9:00 A.M. Stay safe!!!
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