So I hit the goal of 4 miles today, but I am really frustrated with my running these days. Before school let out for the summer, I could easily run for 4 straight miles....I was in great shape, but these days....UGH!!! It is all I can do to get in 2!!! So. Frustrating!! Sometimes I think my Garmin is a hendrence too. I keep checking my pace (which is AWFUL, to say the least!) every minute or two. I'm so distracted by my pace that I can't keep moving. Maybe I will leave the watch at home tomorrow and see what happens???
On a completely different note. Common Core. Common Core. Common Core. (insert huge sigh here) Common Core. Common Core. Common Core....THIS ladies and gentlemen is what is on the mind of many of your teachers these days. If you are a praying parent please lift us up. Things are a- changing again and it can be overwhelming at times. Although teachers don't "work" in the school building in the summer time does not, by any means, mean we don't "work". Countless hours at home and elsewhere whether it is in a meeting at another facility, a restaurant with fellow teachers planning, or someone's home, we are working. So, if you haven't done so lately, hug a teacher and let 'em know you are praying for them. We surely need it!
Fund something in the works. I will be selling Scentsy for our team, His Grace Girls, expecting a phone call or an invite or something! :0)
Hope you guys are stayin' cool. I'm gonna say yesterday was the hottest day we've had thusfar for our summer. Even the "breeze" was hot! ICK....I'm a fall and spring weather girl these days. The older I get the more of a fan of cooler weather I become!
Well--a quick shout out to my few fellow followers. I appreciate your support on this endeavor you have agreed to take on with me. I hope it helps keep me accountable!
Stay cool and hydrated this week! Remember to hug your teachers!! ;0)
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