LilySlim Fitness goals tickers

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

  Do you ever just have one of "those" days?  I have.  Am having one today, as a matter of fact.  
   Marathoners sometimes hit a "wall"--their body starts acting up and their thoughts may move toward quitting a race but most marathoners push through and FINISH their race.  I think that's where I am today...I have hit a "wall".  I can see the finish line and I know that I don't have very many chemo treatments left.  Tomorrow will be #14 for me, so 5 after this one. ( I only need one hand to count them with!!  THAT is exciting!!  But I am "over" it, if you know what I mean...)  I am ready for our lives to be "normal" again.  
    My daddy had SUCH words of encouragement to me today.  He said "Em, in my mind I see you as almost one year cancer free!"  Those few words spoke VOLUMES to me this afternoon!  I haven't thought of myself in those terms.  I'm not sure I have ever really thought of myself as a "cancer patient"---some view this as denial, I view it as a hiccup on my life's path, however we view it--we are almost there!!!!!  
   Please continue to pray for us.  I am so blessed and thankful to have my family and friends to help pull me through this journey in life.  You know--the Bible says that there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.  There are a couple of you that have stuck by me and helped hold me up in times of turmoil.  You know who you are.  I love you mucho!  Thank you for loving me, being there during my highs and lows and always encouraging me to  "go, go, go"!!    

Until next time...