LilySlim Fitness goals tickers

Friday, August 31, 2012

Harder than I thought

So I started walking/jogging this it vain of me to say that I SOOO appreciate the shape I was in before say, December 2011?  WOOO WEEEE!!!  It's TOUGH starting at ground zero, people!  I have a totally new appreciation for people that are just starting out.  Although I am thrilled to be walking/jogging again, I am also a little frustrated.  2 miles is hard!!! I have to keep reminding myself that I am just starting back from a pretty "rough" time off...just keep swimming, just keep swimming, la la la la la laaaaa (can't you just hear Dorie from Finding Nemo right now?  You're welcome....  ha ha) 

No new news this week.  I had a pretty encouraging biweekly appointment with my oncologist, or maybe it's just that I know these 14 day chemos are coming to a close?  yippeee!!!!

Hope yall have a great Labor Day weekend!  Be safe!! 


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Been a long time...

Well,'s been a while since my last post.  Nothing really new going on with me.  Keep on keepin' on---that's what I do! ;0) 

Two more chemos that are only 2 weeks apart , whew!  Will NOT miss going in every other week for THAT! then 11 months of once a month chemo.  Ick, but it's better than the prior.  I'm thinking the "worst" parts of this are over:  EXCRUCIATING headaches, BRAIN SURGERY  ( !!!! ),  and 14-day chemos.  Yes....I have topped that hill and will be on the downward slope soon.  Again-- thanks to everyone for your words of encouragement and PRAYERS!  THEY ARE WORKING!!!  :0) 

The doctor told me I could start working my way back into running.  WHHOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO!!!!  I cried when he told me that.  This week, I began walking the neighborhood.  It's hard not to jog some, but I have promised many people I would go slow and I am going to try to keep that promise.  BUT!!!  My goal IS to run/jog by December.  I want to try the St. Jude 5K this year.  I haven't run/walked it in several years so it should be fun! 

Hope this blog finds everyone well.  I hope to return to work at the end of September--looking forward to finally meeting my kiddos and getting to know them!  My personal children are ready for their mama to return to work!  I am constantly asked when "are you going to be a teacher again?"  I love that!  I tell them all the time that I am still a teacher.  Their response:  "No, I mean....when will you GO BACK TO TEACHING!?"  Love those munchkins!  Normalcy is what they want, dontcha think? 



Thursday, August 16, 2012


I am totally feeling God's love today.  I'm having such a great day!!  Lots of energy, visited with LOTS of friends, hubby surprised me with LOTS of roses (6 dozen, but who's counting...) and flowers (just because...gotta love that!), and going to spend time with some old friends that ALWAYS make me LAUGH!!  (Hoping one of 'em is "on her game" tonight!  She's definitely the entertainment.  If you're reading know who you are!!  Love ya, sis!!) 

Thankful for my many, MANY blessings today!! 

Blessings to you and yours,

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Today is..

God showed up again today, peeps!  He is good and faithful.  I'm so thankful to have a Heavenly Father that cares even about the small things! He knows me, loves me, and is always there!  Thank you, Lord for all the blessings in my life! 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Officially on the downhill part of the slope!

That's right!!  5 rounds down and 3 to go of the every 14 days of chemo.  WOOHOOOO  Almost there, almost there, almost there!  I can defintely see the light at the end of the tunnel!  (Which, by the way, I LOOOVE that song!)  There' s a light at the end of this tunnel, there's a light at the end of this tunnel, there's a light at the end of this tunnel fooooor meeee....I can't think of the person that sings it off the top of my head....

Anywho--hoping to go home tomorrow.  All of my counts and levels are looking great.  I'm telling you, God is so merciful!!!  He has TRULY had me under his wings like Psalm 91 says. I'm looking forward to seeing my troops tomorrow and hearing all about their first week of school!  Next summer I think we will have an extra couple of weeks of summer which is AWESOME!!!  Maybe we can "make up" for this summer, eh?  :)

Hope yall have had a good week so far!  Almost Friday!!  Keep on keepin' on!!!



Monday, August 6, 2012


So, we're back at the hospital.  All is well so far.  Chemo got started about 6 p.m. and should finish up around 10 tonight.  Hoping to sleep through the icky feeling that seems to tag along with it all. 

There is a man here that was walking the hall tonight.  He is a triathlete.  He came in today after running 4 miles and biking 20 miles.  HOW. COOL. IS HE!?!?  Talk about determination!!!   Very inspiring! 

First day of school for all of the kiddos in our county.  All went well with ours.  I choked back tears leaving the youngest, not because I am typically at work and would be there with him, but because I wouldn't be there to welcome my children home from their first day of school.  It really IS the little things that mean so much in this thing we call life.  Don't take for granted the small moments, my friends, for time passes by too quickly!! ((Needless to say, I got a "play by play" from him about his day.  YAY!  The oldest simply said : "we had FUN, mom!".  Gotta love the difference in their personalities!))  

Monday, Monday, what a FUN day!  Hope yall have a fantabulous week!  Keep on keepin' on...



Sunday, August 5, 2012


LET ME TELL YOU....I WAS SOOOO BLESSED IN MY CHURCH SERVICE TODAY!!  I was so overwhelmed that I had tears flowing all during the service.  It's like God was talking RIGHT to ME!  WHEW!  He is SO GOOD, people!!  Everything from the worship music to the preaching....loved. it! 

I head back in to the hospital tomorrow for round 5. I am praying that all goes well and there are minimal to NO side effects!  Tomorrow is also the first day of school for students.  We should all pray for the teachers and students as they enter into a fresh new school year.  I pray that God would guide the teachers and give each one wisdom as they navigate so many young lives on a daily basis.  I also pray that the Lord would quicken the students' minds, nerves be calmed, and they would have an ear to listen.  May God bless each of yall reading this!!!

Have a great week!!



Saturday, August 4, 2012

Going to be another HOT Saturday, peeps!  I know I keep saying this but, I sure am ready for some fall weather.  I am anxious to start "walking" (instead of my usual run/jog) but am a little apprehensive --- even early mornings or late evenings --- because of this HEAT!  ((Plus---my favorite attire is a sweatshirt and shorts!))  ;0) 

I am still feeling great!  I have soooo enjoyed seeing and visiting with friends over the last couple of days.  I am truly blessed.  Love yall! 

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend.  I'm off to the hospital for ROUND 5 of 8 chemo on Monday.  Planning on dropping the bambinos off at school before heading that way. 



Friday, August 3, 2012


Soooo last night was "Meet the Teacher" night at both kiddos' schools.  Needless to say, the youngest (who is usually the "bulldog") in the family was a little apprehensive going in???  Who knew??  After he realized his best bud and a few others he already knew were in his class, he lightened up and all is well on the homefront now.  :0)  The oldest didn't say much (definitely not the talker of the family), but I know he is THRILLED his best friend is in his class too.  Time sure does fly by quickly!  No more babies...

All is well on this end of the spectrum.  I am feeling great and looking toward the light at the end of the tunnel with "intense" chemo!  YIIPPEEE  only 4 left.  (3 after next week---gotta love THAT) 

Hope everyone enjoys their last weekend of "freedom" before school starts. Like the title states .... for me it's bittersweet.  ((Looking forward to some cooler weather of fall!! ))

Happy Friday, peeps!!



Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Want to wish all the teachers a GREAT and INSPIRING first day backto school today!  I sure do miss yall and I can't wait to see yall soon! 

I went to my classroom yesterday to "check it out" and I was overcome with emotion!  I work with the BEST team!  They have COMPLETELY organized and "put together" my classroom for me!  All my sweet assistant will need to do is some last minute finishes (names on desks and such) and voila!  Ready for students!  I owe these ladies BIG!   THANK YOU from the very bottom of my heart!! 

Off today for a check up at the neurologist then to the clinic for my infusion of antibodies.  Busy, busy day ahead for me!  lol 

Praying for teachers and soon to be students!  Hope yall have a FANTASTIC Monday!!! 
